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We deliver to you the productswe deliver to you the products
And you can enjoy the preserves we have prepared for you. Isn't it easy?
Only the best products from pristine lands
Love of food, love of the land.
In MyAgry we believe in a healthy and sustainable agriculture,
because beauty, like all things, lies in simplicity.
Why choose myagry?
Simple, easy, and most importantly, fun!
on myagry you can grow your own vegetable garden from the comfort of home.
select how to process your produce and we'll take care of the rest.
Our work leads us to research and rediscover ancient varieties of grains and legumes. our flours are obtained by stone grinding to maintain the vital properties&agrve; of the raw material
and especially to people.
For this we carefully select
only environmentally friendly farmers,
who use cultivation methods
traditional and non-invasive.

We have established a collaborative, creative and fair working relationship with farmers.
we pay attention to the quality of production processes by trying to build
production chains that are controlled at all stages.
in addition, our farmers, are at your complete disposal to answer any questions you may have.
behind every product there are people, so come in and get to know our farmers
Light dinner or smart lunch?
We have the recipe for you